Main objective of this Directorate is to plan, monitor, supervise & implement the different fishery development programmes, facilitate the resource for enhancement of fish productivity and marketing of fish and analysis of projects and schemes on a scientific basis.
Aims of the Directorate
- Inclusive economic growth, poverty reduction, food and nutritional security.
- Institutional strengthening for better governance, development orientation and speedy growth of the sector through organizational strengthening, capacity development, enabling policy environment and rigorous monitoring system.
- Developing Fisheries Directorate as services provider agency.
- Multi-fold increase in fish and fish seed production and productivity through expansion and sustainable intensification of aquaculture using latest technologies.
- Enhancing fish production and productivity of overexploited and fragile riverine fisheries resources, reservoirs, wetland (Mauns and Chaurs) through appropriate technologies and ecosystem based and community participatory management approaches.
- To sustain the present and to generate additional fisheries-based livelihoods through increasing fish and fish seed production; using unconventional aquatic systems like irrigation canal for aquaculture; hygienic handling, transport, processing and value addition and marketing of fish and fish seed.
- Empowerment of fishing and farming households for creating awareness, capacity development and to organize them to be able to participate as effective partner in the sustainable management of common pool public fisheries resources and to enhance their adaptive capacity to minimize and contain the likely impact of natural disasters and climate change.
- Increase the per capita availability and consumption of fish.
- Prevent and control disease in fishes.
- Forming cooperatives and SHG’S for expanding market potential.